SWLE Project

Frequently Asked Questions

Please see the below frequently asked questions. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to use the form under the Contact Us page or send an email to emailus@swleproject.com

What is the SWLE Project?
The SWLE Project is a policy intervention program co-founded by Dr. Isabel Logan and Lt. Matthew Solak in response to Connecticut legislation on Police Accountability & Transparency in the fall of 2020 in the wake of the murder of George Floyd. The SWLE Project works with police departments and social work programs to advance the ethical and effective integration of social work services into law enforcement agencies by preparing social workers and social work students to assume roles in the field of police social work through education, training, and research. At the root of the SWLE Project is reducing disparate minority contact and reducing recidivism rates in police departments, the first point of entry into the justice system. At the heart of the SWLE Project is bridging communities to establish relationships and build trust after the murder of George Floyd. At the present time the SWLE Project is composed of the following three arms: Workforce Development, SWLE Network, and the SWLE Associates, LLC.

What are the main components of the SWLE Project?
The main components of the SWLE Project are Workforce Development, our Network, and SWLE Associates, LLC.

What is needed to apply for an internship with the SWLE Project?
A candidate should have a desire to support the SWLE Project mission; a disposition to work under pressure, crisis environments, and be open to building community relationships. Candidates should have a clean police record, a valid driver’s license, and may be required to pass an extensive background check. Candidates will also have an interview with SWLE Project Executive Team and the Police Department. Candidates are expected to submit a resume and essay prompt of 1-2 pages. Submit your candidate’s portfolio (resume & essay) to internship@swleproject.com to begin the process.

What are the requirements for interns participating in the SWLE Project?
Interns participating in the SWLE Project must:
Attend the PSW Academy
Attend Individual Supervision, Task Supervision, & Peer Support Group Supervision
Attend any SWLE training & meeting opportunities
Attend virtual SWLE Network bimonthly meetings / watch video of meetings
Submit Process Recordings, Time Sheets, Student Evaluation, Supervision Sheets, and Contact Sheets
Complete the required field hours for their BSW or MSW Program
Present at the “Boots on the Ground” Capstone Celebration

What fees can we expect for this type of internship?
There are no fees associated with the student internship collaboration with the police department and schools of social work. However, we do ask for the Universities/Colleges to pay the student’s social work supervisor (provided by us) such as the preceptor models. The contract rate is set by the home institution and should be directly paid to the Social Work Supervisor assigned to the intern and not to the SWLE Project. Contact us for more information on this topic.

Upon submitting a student’s internship application, what can we expect?
Upon the submission of the candidate’s application (which consists of their resume and essay prompt to the SWLE Project), the essay will be reviewed by the SWLE Project Executive Team and the candidate will be interviewed by the executive team. The candidate’s application will be forwarded to the Police Department to schedule an interview with the candidate. A decision will be made by the Police Department, at which time the SWLE Project Administrator or Executive Director will contact the University Field Director/Coordinator and candidate for the next steps.

What type of schedule can interns expect?
Police Departments are open 24 hours a day / 7 days a week. Each student will be able to customize their schedules upon being selected by the local police department.

What student level is the SWLE Project accepting as interns?
The SWLE Project accepts applications from students in BSW & MSW programs.

How can Police Departments or Schools of Social Work connect with the SWLE Project?
Police Departments and Schools of Social Work can contact us at emailus@swleproject.com or submit a SWLE Project Contact Form located in our website tab “Contact Us”.